
Three Meetings Is… Too… Much!

Blogging has (obviously) been light today, as I had three meetings today. That, combined with it being a Chinese Tuesday meant that I actually sat in front of my computer for what seemed like a grand total of 35-45 minutes, during which time I, you know, had to do real work. Apologies. I assure you it won’t happen again at least in the foreseeable future.


2 responses to “Three Meetings Is… Too… Much!”

  1. DAVID CROSBY’S MUSTACHE, THE DRUM… Speaking of countries we can barely think about Inside the Blogger’s Studio: Pound for Pound Three Meetings Is… Too… Much! Bax Continuing Studies Bontemps Roulez Something’s Been Gnawing at Me… Summer Vacation Part 1 Parent Ed Network Workshops on

  2. As Dr. Chen would surely say: “Doug, you real slacka”