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A Blogging Test

I’ve done my share of ragging on MovableType as a blogging platform, however, with SixApart’s recent release of MT 3.2, I decided to put my money where my mouth is and give MT a test drive.
Obviously, based upon my choice of WordPress as my publishing platform, I’ve preferred WP over MT in the past, so I won’t be coming at this with an entirely unbiased eye. Some of the biggest names in blogging are using MT, though, so I’m going to see what all the hubub is about.
For those interested in following along, I’ve set up a test blog. Check it out, leave some test comments, let me know what you think.


One response to “A Blogging Test”

  1. Post Partners With Technorati to Provide Blog Links Waiting in Line Padron 1964 Anniversary Exclusivo STOKED Freedom! Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned A Blogging Test Principle Gifted This is what I am working with Bush’s New Reason For War?? This Is a Joke, Right? The latest national