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Further Yahoo! Commentary

I’ve already offered my thoughts about Yahoo!’s execrable conduct in furthering the jailing of a Chinese journalist, but there are those bloggers out there who have articulated even stronger positions: Roger L. Simon labels Y! a good 1940s German company while Rebecca MacKinnon says that Yahoo! must be evil to be legal.
Ouch. Read ’em both.


2 responses to “Further Yahoo! Commentary”

  1. Takes Tea With Babs Flea market. Rap Brrrr ‘End of the Bush Era’ Behind Brito, Phils Tops Braves, 4-1 Open Thread Further Yahoo! Commentary 85 percent of life is just showing up…for everything else, there’s Inquirer-Daily News medallions! The Daily Dose Boondocks on Katrina Good

  2. […] We've been over the incredibly craven behavior of Yahoo! with regards to helping the ChiComms oppress their people, but the mainstream media seems to have largely ignored the issue. In a first big stride, however, the Washington Post's editorial board has weighed in on the issue (anti-Yahoo!, pro-freedom, if you must know). Let's hope theirs is the first among many mainstream voices to call out Yahoo!, Google, Microsoft and other US companies for their inexcusable behavior. […]