
…And I’ve Made The Jump

As many of you may have noticed, I was having loads of problems with my previous hosting company. My site’s been down a few times over the past few days which finally pushed me over the edge. I’ve moved the site over to Dreamhost which, while more expensive on a monthly basis, provides me with loads more disk space, bandwidth and capabilities. I’m going to see if I can get a refund for the balance of my hosting fees from The Host That Shall Never Be Named Again Lest They Get Free Publicity, but in the meantime, be on the lookout for some major additions to Literal Barrage.
Oh, and dig my newly-registered domain, zamoose.org. Not much there, at the moment, but I’ve got some plans for it as well.


One response to “…And I’ve Made The Jump”

  1. GOLD, PONYBOY” AND “CLUCK Y… The Habit Perzel Book Reading The Last Laugh? iFlipFlop:iPod. Coincidence? New iPod w/ Video Fristed Strategic Blackout …And I’ve Made The Jump C. Delores Tucker has passed away Fess Up Lois Murphy: Soon to be Congresswoman Riding the Waiver Two Degrees of