Tag: Dreamhost

  • DreamHost-Related Site Weirdness

    If you’ve been having difficulty reaching this site over the past few days (I know that I have, for one…), there appears to be two very good reasons: DreamHost (my hosting provider) has been having ARP issues as well as related DNS problems. It’s at times like this that I really appreciate how DreamHost handles…

  • How To Take Credit For A Screw-Up

    I know that some people have had their issues with Dreamhost (my hosting provider), but I have to say that my experience with them has been largely positive. However, they’ve had a spate of issues that have plagued them recently, causing the intermittent slow access times/site outages that you may have seen here. Well, DH…

  • A Signal Flare Into The Ether, A Cry For Google PageRank Help

    Sean Gleeson has apparently been mistaken for the DreamHost (my hosting provider!) phone service department by a not-inconsiderable number of folk out here in the Ether Spaces. In an attempt to help Sean, I’ll add my site to the number referencing his post and its discussion of the DreamHost phone number. All you other bloggers,…

  • By Way Of An Explanation

    Posting today has been light due to two occurences: A “network problem” that brought down much of the Dreamhost network this morning. The arrival of my Palm TX handheld. The TX is nice, very nice – I’ve been monkeying around with it and have it syncing via Bluetooth to my Powerbook. It also has 802.11b,…

  • *BUURRRRP* ‘Scuse Me.

    Sorry for the slow access/downtimes this morning. I’m unsure of what was going on, but it seems as if the entire Dreamhost system was unreachable for a bit there. Hopefully things have returned to normal (access seems a bit slow, but not unbearably so).

  • …And I’ve Made The Jump

    As many of you may have noticed, I was having loads of problems with my previous hosting company. My site’s been down a few times over the past few days which finally pushed me over the edge. I’ve moved the site over to Dreamhost which, while more expensive on a monthly basis, provides me with…