
Link Ratings, An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Sean Gleeson has asked for commentary (or put out an RFC, in geek terms) on a potential system of icons that could be employed to indicate the actual content of NSFW links. So far he has “Offensicons” for nudity, sex, profanity, general yuckiness and other.
It’s actually a pretty good idea and the icons themselves are pretty hilarious. I await the first WordPress plugin to take advantage of these Offensicons.


2 responses to “Link Ratings, An Idea Whose Time Has Come”

  1. The Return aka Robbery Week Picture Pages, Picture Pages, open up your Picture Pages Fly, fly away Stepford Politicians Are goals bad too? Little Ricky’s Got a Problem They Make Phone Calls “Little Nazi Blockwatcher” Link Ratings, An Idea Whose Time Has Come Friday Random Ten This is My Last Semester

  2. The Offensicon Project, revised art
    Two days ago, I proposed The Offensicon Project, and requested your comments. That phase hasn’t ended; I am still requesting your comments! But from the comments already offered, and from my own testing, I have found some room for improvement in…