The Next Generation Of Social Networking Sites
FaceSpace and MyBook are out, these badboys are in. I’ve stumbled across a few “social networking” sites over the past few days that are definitely worth a look or two from you, my loyal reader[s]: Open Source Food: exchange recipes, have your own rated by your fellow man and drool over the quick pictures of…
Super Link Fighter II: Ultra Hyper Mega Championship Tab Dump Edition
My browsers on each and every machine I have access to have been collecting open tabs like some hideously geeky HTTP-fueled version of Garbage Pail Kids/M.U.S.C.L.E. figurines/Pogs/[insert some other non-Pokemon hackneyed pop cultural reference here] and so, in order to unburden myself fully, I offer the following compendium of links. Consider it some sort of…
Naked Time!
Do not adjust your vertical nor your horizontal — I’m participating in CSS Naked Day ’07 as a way of “showing off” the X/HTML behind my long-delayed theme. It’s a way of promoting good markup (I think I come pretty close there) and of just plain gettin’ nekkid in public. *grin* The mellow tones of…
Up From Humble Beginnings
It’s hard to believe, but Google, the current King of the Internet[s], sprang up from humble beginnings at Stanford back in 1998. Want proof? Here are the pictures that capture the ragtag nature of the first revision of the Little Search Engine That Could And Eventually Did.
Required Daily Viewing
First off, a love song, sung by geeks, gone horribly, horribly awry: Next up, one of the absolute high points in Western action cinema, the car chase sequence from Bullitt: From Web 0 to Web 2.0 in five minutes’ time: Lastly, rock out to the oxymoronic “Heck No! (I’ll Never Listen To Techno)”:
‘Scuse The Mess
I took the plunge and upgraded Literal Barrage to WordPress 2.1 on Thursday/Friday. I’ve been slowly picking away at the transition, re-enabling plugins, moving old artwork, etc. over. I know there are a bunch of things that still don’t work correctly: contact form, archives and a lot of my old images among them. If you…
A Quick Tip For WordPress Theme Authors
nobrainer nailed me a couple of days ago for not having auto-discoverable feeds on my site. The process for adding them to your WordPress is a rather simple one. Add the following code to your document’s <head> section (usually header.php in WP themes):
A Plea For A Bit Of Help From You IE-Savvy Web Developers Out There
I’m slowly working my way into making Elbee Elgee into a releasable theme and I’ve been merrily plinking away on my MacBook Pro, validating the look and feel in Opera, Safari and Firefox. However, I’ve also been trying to verify it using Internet Explorer while at work and have been driven to distraction by IE’s…