
Got A BIG One!

I woke up this morning and checked CNN.com only to see the following:
Zarqawi dead.
Wowsers. CNN has the developing details. This is huge.
UPDATE: Captain Ed and Mark in Mexico have further details and analysis. My first impression is that, while this is a big victory for Coalition forces, it is an even bigger win for Iraqi security forces (who were the first to arrive on-scene and confirm that al Zarqawi is dead) and a huge propaganda win for the nascent Iraqi government. Most important of all, it is a victory for the Iraqi people, as direct humint apparently lead to this strike, which means that there are many in Iraq that place freedom from tyrrany over their own fears of reprisals.


2 responses to “Got A BIG One!”

  1. Agent Orange Avatar
    Agent Orange

    I can’t help but have “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead” running through my head this morning. I can’t wait to hear the soundtrack WHEN we get Usama.

  2. It’s all fine and good to imagine a soundtrack for Osama’s death, except for one big issue: he’s already dead. He exists now as a bunch of soundclips on Ayman Zawahiri’s laptop and a DNA smudge on a cave in Tora Bora. We got the sucker in early ’02 and haven’t been able to prove it.
    Either that, or I’m completely wrong and he’s hiding in Waziristan, dragging his dialysis machine around rough mountainous terrain in search of his next safehousehut.
    Piss be upon him, either way.