Tag: Politics

  • Master Your Vocabulary

    …Or your vocabulary will become your master. Or summat like that, I dunno. Seems as though Aron was terribly, mysteriously ahead of the curve when he called out our current crop of politicians for their overuse of The Sphinx’s favorite rhetorical device. Slate has put a name to the tactic (it’s called antimetabole, apparently). And…

  • Classless Cheap Shots At Columbia

    Columbia University president Lee Bollinger showed himself to be a classless buffoon yesterday, despite pronouncements from some corners of a flawless “rope-a-dope” maneuver. Let’s get a few things straight. First: he (Bollinger) and his University extended the invitation to Mad Mahmoud. They (Columbia and Bollinger) opened their doors to the figurehead of state of the…

  • Is Our Harvard Grads Learning? No.

    This report has been making the blogospheric rounds today and it is, well, damning of our educational system’s ability to impart civic knowledge, to put it bluntly. Simply stated, when presented with a 60 question test covering basic U.S. history, civics and political philosophy, Harvard seniors scored best with a D+ average. All other schools’…

  • Shut It All Down. Internet’s Over, “Unamerican” Wins.

    Wonkette, that foul-mouthed site founded by a certain foul-mouthed D.C. gutter snipe, ran a collection of links yesterday, one of which pointed to an article called “Ron Paul: One man, one vote”. Frequent readers of digg, reddit, etc. will readily recognize Dr. Ron Paul’s name, as he has become the Presidential contender of choice among…

  • This Town Needs An Enema

    Those that know me best know that I am no fan of Philadelphia Mayor John Street’s persona, politics or ethics, but I must object to the current “mini-scandal” brewing as just plain stupid. Here’s the situation: John Street (D, Philadelphia) is a bit of a gadget hound. He wanted an iPhone and so decided to…

  • A Tab Dump Of Stunning Depth And Ferocity

    It’s that time again — time to free myself of a bit of mental clutter expressly for your edification. That’s a win/win situation if I’ve ever heard of one. Chinese-manufactured sedans: deathtraps on wheels and headed to a dealer near you, ‘twould seem. It seems as though prior to the British-hostage-sailors incident, the Iranians tried…

  • “A Crisis of Public Confidence”, Indeed

    Mark Tapscott, noting that approval levels for Congress have fallen to an all-time low of 14%, muses The opposition to the Bush/Kennedy/McCain immigration reform appears to be hardening, too, as indicated by this UPI/Zogby International survey that finds only three percent – three percent! – of those surveyed approve of the way Congress is handling…

  • Burning The Midnight Oil At Both Ends, And Other Mixed Metaphors

    I’m sitting here at work at ~9pm EDT waiting for several servers to finish their upgrade processes and realized that I had quelle shock! horreur! forgotten to post, so busy was I all the livelong day. Consider this my penance: Fred! Thompson’s site is live and living large — it reportedly brought in over $200,000…

  • Who Is This “Tom Morrow” Fellow?

    …And why is Hillary Clinton only interested in good jobs for him? Bwahahaha. BONUS: Possible unused captions/headlines: Is our Senators learning? No Congressperson Left Behind I can has spellcheck? You say “tommorrow” and I say “potatoe”.

  • Me? Piggyback? Never!

    I’ve been stewing over this for a bit and, on word of Fred! Thompson officially announcing his intentions to run for Prez., I figured I’d make it official: gear.literalbarrage.org, your one-stop-shop for irreverent moichandise designed by Yours Truly. I’m feeling in a campaign-y sort of mood, so while you’re there, take a look at what…