“A Crisis of Public Confidence”, Indeed

Mark Tapscott, noting that approval levels for Congress have fallen to an all-time low of 14%, muses

The opposition to the Bush/Kennedy/McCain immigration reform appears to be hardening, too, as indicated by this UPI/Zogby International survey that finds only three percent – three percent! – of those surveyed approve of the way Congress is handling the issue [illegal immigration. -ed.]. Bush gets only a nine percent approval rating on the issue in the survey, which has a 1.1 percent margin of error.
This is why there is no evidence of increasing public support for the GOP in recent weeks despite the failling ratings of the Democratic majority in Congress. The root problem is a bipartisan inability – or refusal – to adopt policies supported by clear majorities of the American people.

Washington D.C. is completely disconnected from the people it’s supposed to represent, and they know it too. (See faking support letters, for instance). The American people are cynical and sick and tired of the condescension from our political “betters”, so much so that there are suggestions going so far as to call for Congress’ deportation, encirclement of D.C. with a wall to protect us from them and even calls for automatic recalls of Congresscritters when things get this bad. Heck, Zogby may have to start accounting for negative poll numbers (+/-, of course), given the way things are headed.
So tell me, what is it going to take for

  1. Congress to wake up to their disconnect?
  2. The American people to actually vote these bums out?

Methinks something drastic, and I fear for what that might mean for us all.
Andy, Brad: what say you to that hypothetical Purple People Party now?


One response to ““A Crisis of Public Confidence”, Indeed”

  1. The American people to actually vote these bums out?
    Methinks something drastic, and I fear for what that might mean for us all.

    That’s the thing though, there already has been drastic screw-ups and people (general public) just don’t seem to care. WTF, it is maddening. I, for one, am writing my congress people as well as my party weekly. Maybe some of that mail is mine and it was just mis-sorted into the “for” pile…