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Numero Dos
That’s right, ladies and gents: Numero Dos is on the way, and boy ain’t he/she a beaut? (We’re going to be surprised as to the sex as we were with Will).
Baby is healthy, although the ultrasound tech said they’re a little on the small side. They said the same thing about Will, and look how he turned out…CORRECTION: On the small side for us. Which means they’re still big. *grin*
In any event: yay! Now we’ve just got to agree on some names.


4 responses to “Incoming!”

  1. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just had my son 1 month ago and it was a trip! First for me. Have fun with your 2nd!

  2. Many thanks. I didn’t realize you just had one too — congrats to you!

  3. John Shepherd Avatar
    John Shepherd

    Dirt McGirt Stewart?
    Looks like a Dirt to me, but you might have some trouble convincing your wife.

  4. I don’t know, John. I doubt Bob Sapp, Jr.™©® would approve.