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Risky Bidness

Tom Krewz!
So I don’t know if y’all have seen the depths of insanity to which Tom Cruise has been driven by the neo-Gnostic Cult O’ Hubbard, but Gawker has a long video of 1/2 of Tomkat blathering on about just what a spectacular human being Scientology has turned him into, as well as videos from the Huggy Bear/Flava Flav Freedom Medal Of Valor And Honor And High-Fallutin’ Whatnot award ceremony in which Tom sends a shout-out to ol’ LRH. Watch ’em now, as the Xenu-haters have already turned their legal dogs loose on Gawker and it’s only a matter of time before the barratry takes its course.
Then, after you’re done getting depressed at just how weirded out, mannnn, Tom Cruise has become, laugh a little at Jerry O’Connell’s pitch-perfect parody of the whole creepy incident.
Finally, finish the afternoon off with a soothing reminder from Jonathan Coulton that, hey, at least you’re not Tom Cruise, right?