Tag: weirdness

  • Yumpin’ Yimminy! Grease Your Mental Skids With A Screwdriver (Or Four) Prior To Viewing

    Yumpin’ Yimminy! Grease Your Mental Skids With A Screwdriver (Or Four) Prior To Viewing

    What do you get when you cross Finnish rock band The Leningrad Cowboys with the Soviet Red Army choir singing “Sweet Home Alabama”, complemented by backup dancers straight out of a B-52s video? This profound moment of cross-cultural Zen:

  • Risky Bidness

    So I don’t know if y’all have seen the depths of insanity to which Tom Cruise has been driven by the neo-Gnostic Cult O’ Hubbard, but Gawker has a long video of 1/2 of Tomkat blathering on about just what a spectacular human being Scientology has turned him into, as well as videos from the…

  • The Heights Of Human Weirdness Know No Upper Bounds

    Have you ever wanted to embed a server in the corpse of a frog, wire up the frog’s legs so that said server can activate said frog’s leg muscles via a galvanic reaction, suspend the whole affair in a tank of mineral oil, hook the server up to the Internet, allow users to activate the…