Texas Travelogue ’08, Day 2

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Texas Travelogue ’08

Day 2: Sunday, March 9th

Will and Kate
Sunday was spent largely recovering from the trip on Saturday and hanging out with my wife’s sister, brother and brother’s girlfriend. We hung around the in-laws’ and chatted with the family, most of whom hadn’t yet seen Kate in person.
We also made the inaugural trip to Sonic for a Route 44 Ocean Water. Sonic is civilization! Sonic is life!

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3 responses to “Texas Travelogue ’08, Day 2”

  1. AndyOne Avatar

    …Sonic is coming to Winchester!!!
    Sorry. Just had to throw that one in…

  2. Agent Orange Avatar
    Agent Orange

    Wait wait wait, I thought she was going by Kathryn? Oh that’s just GREAT!

  3. Her name is Kathryn, we’ve been calling her “Kate” or “Katie”, mainly. Tends to roll off the tongue a bit easier.