Series: Texas Travelogue ’08

  • Texas Travelogue ’08, Day 1

    Things have been slow around the blog the last week (obviously), since the fam and I have been on the road in Texas, visiting my in-laws. Please accept these next few round-ups as a small amount of compensation for the dearth. Day 1: Saturday, March 8th Scooted over from home to my parents’ place to…

  • Texas Travelogue ’08, Day 2

    Day 2: Sunday, March 9th Sunday was spent largely recovering from the trip on Saturday and hanging out with my wife’s sister, brother and brother’s girlfriend. We hung around the in-laws’ and chatted with the family, most of whom hadn’t yet seen Kate in person. We also made the inaugural trip to Sonic for a…

  • Texas Travelogue Extended

    So we were supposed to leave Dallas today, just like I was supposed to be blogging this trip. I can still make up for that, but the wholesale flight cancellations that occurred at DFW International Airport today can’t really be made up. Here’s to hoping we’ll be able to get out tomorrow morning. Then we’ve…

  • Texas Travelogue ’08, Days 3 And 4

    Day 3: Monday, March 10th We spent most of Monday of our first week at the Dallas World Aquarium in downtown Dallas. However, I have little photographic evidence of said trip, as Yours Truly forgot to charge both camera batteries and thus the above snap constitutes the lion’s share of my photographic output for the…

  • Texas Travelogue ’08, Day 5

    Day 5: Wednesday, March 12th It’s been a long time since I added anything to this year’s travelogue, so I thought it might be a good time to throw together a bunch of photos I took on the Wednesday of our trip. My in-laws have a dear friend who is starting her own photo studio…