
I’d heard quite a few good things about the Debian-derived Ubuntu Linux distribution, so I decided to give it a spin. We downloaded the PowerPC Live CD here at work as a test of our newly-enabled 4.5Mbps ISP drop and burned it to disc.
I’m writing this entry from a GNOME desktop environment running off the CDROM drive on my 15″ Powerbook and I have to say I’m pretty impressed. With the exception of the touchpad, Ubuntu seems to have autodetected all of the Powerbook’s hardware correctly. This thread pretty much sums up what works and what doesn’t, out of the box.
It’s a bit odd seeing the GNOME interface where I ought to see OSX’s Aqua, but it’s a nifty trick in any case. It’s not quite ready for prime time yet, but it seems as if Linux on the PPC is definitely getting there.
Now, I just need to reboot the thing so I can get some actual work done. *grin*


I’d heard quite a few good things about the Debian-derived Ubuntu Linux distribution, so I decided to give it a spin. We downloaded the PowerPC Live CD here at work as a test of our newly-enabled…

Linux already is USB compatible by default, so any distro you use will be able to use USB devices. What ATI card do you have? ATI definitely has their own binary drivers, but anything up to the 9200 is actually supported out of the box by the open source drivers included in most distros, 3D included.