Category Blogger Import

Return of the King

My wife, 5 friends and I viewed RotK at the local cinema house last night ‘twixt the hours of 7 and 11 in the evening. I must say that my feelings on the movie are decidedly mixed. As Jonah Goldberg…

DC 0.5 Is Out

Maybe I’ll finally be able to get my hands on the Fedora ISOs since Desert Combat 0.5 is out and all those bandwidth hogs’ll go from /.’ing Ibiblio to FilePlanet instead.

The Onion: Forgot to Bring Tha Funny

I guess there was considerable mourning in The Onion‘s offices when news of Schwarzenegger’s electoral victory reached their ears. What else could explain their thinly-veiled character assasination piece of the Governator? I guess the staff needed to be given a…

Note: I don’t think it’s physically possible for the new Fedora Beta to kick any more butt than it does. RedHat 8.0 was a step in the right direction, RH9 was almost there. Fedora 1.0 is going to rock.

Take Your Blood Pressure Meds First

This makes me physically ill: Did I Violate the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban? The smugness, the clinical “precision” of this article and the barely contained excitement that this monster uses to describe the taking of a human life is beyond contemptible.…

Note to McDonald’s: you sell food, not image. I’m sorry to say, but carrying a Mickey D’s bag down the street just doesn’t sport the caché of, say, wearing Air Jordans. In other words, fire your ad man, cause “I’m…

I Bet It Was…

Don’t know if I should be finding this as humorous as I do, but here goes: A convicted child molestor (Kevin Kinder) was beaten into an uncoscious state by a former victim of his when he was placed in a…