Category Web Design

Google Mini Review

As previously promised, I hereby present a mini review of the Google Mini. Installation The Mini came in a box conspicuously plastered with “Google” on every conceivable surface, which caused several engineers’ heads to turn as I lugged the box…

WordPress Theming Help

If you’re a WordPress user in need of a new look for your blog and haven’t checked out Urban Giraffe’s WordPress Theme Dissection (parts two and three are also available), then you’re missing out on some valuable advice. If you’re…


This is ridiculous. I’ve been looking for a multi-user, multi-platform calendaring system for a long, long time and have yet to find a decent solution. How stinking hard can it be? I don’t care if it’s Open Source or commercial…

Snifty Free Font Blog

If you’re a graphic/web designer, Fontleech may interest you. They’re trying to blog/maintain a list of freely available fonts and typesets out there. Looks like they’re off to a good start.

Web Designers, Your Book Has Arrived

Any web developer worth his or her salt these days has familiarized themselves with CSS, which adds great depth and complexity to the site designs and layouts possible in modern browsers. Those same developers may well be familiar with the…