Category: Web Design

  • The Illustrated Stephenson

    Credit goes out to Aron for ferreting this one out. He’s been on a bit of a Flickr kick recently and happened across a Flickr group that is seeking to photographically document the real-world locations described in Neal Stephenson’s Baroque Cycle (i.e. Quicksilver, The Confusion and The System of the World). Thus far, it looks…

  • WordPress Users Take Note – 2.0.2 Security Release In The Wild

    All of you WordPress users out there, take note: the WP dev team has released the 2.0.2 Security Release with fixes for an undisclosed security issue and several large bugfixes. I’ve upgraded all of my hosted sites to 2.0.2, so y’all should be fine, AndyOne, AndyII, Sarah, Brad, Vinny and Ann, and Ivor.

  • Using To Get My Browser Life In Order

    Hi, my name is Doug, and I’m a tab-a-holic. I have a severe problem: I open stories in my Firefox tabs, usually from one of the RSS feeds I subscribe to, never fully read the stories and then leave the tabs open with the intention to one day read those stories. The only problem is…

  • Feed The Burn

    I started blogging back in 2001 primarily as a hobby and have continued doing so to this day. At times, I’ve considered adding ads to the site in order to try to recoup some of the costs associated with hosting fees, domain registrations, etc., but in the end have decided against it. While I primarily…

  • Testing Vanilla

    There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding Vanilla lately, including Michael Heilman moving his forums over to the Vanilla platform. What is Vanilla? In short, it’s an Open Source forum framework that seeks to reenvision the forum/bulletin board concept. It has a lot of nifty AJAX effects and an extremely streamlined CSS-based design. It really…

  • I’m All For Nuking IE, But…

    …Doesn’t Kill Bill’s Browser seem a bit, well, extreme, particularly the offering of a script that will actively annoy website visitors using IE? It seems pretty clear to me: coddle, sway, convince. Don’t annoy.

  • Ajaxian Gets A Redesign

    To commemorate the advent of 2006, Ajaxian, your one-stop shop for all things AJAX has launched a new look. In addition, they’ve also made the excellent choice to move from Movable Type to WordPress. It’s quite spiffy and a marked improvement on their old design, so head on over and give it a gander. Good…

  • WordPress 2.0, Feed Icons And The Rise Of WordPress “Theme Engines”

    The “Duke” Is Back In Town WordPress version 2.0 (“Duke”) was officially released this week with very little initial fanfare, although the main WP site was given a complete facelift to mark the occasion. You can grab the 2.0 release on the download page. Be warned, however, that there have been a lot of complaints…

  • Unfairly Criticizing Firefox

    Let me start off by saying that I’m a big fan of Jeff Harrell’s work. I read a lot of bloggers on a daily basis and, while many are interesting, I find that I rarely anticipate further entries from anyone other than Jeff H. and Jeff Goldstein. Both share wry senses of humor, propensities to…

  • Link Ratings, An Idea Whose Time Has Come

    Sean Gleeson has asked for commentary (or put out an RFC, in geek terms) on a potential system of icons that could be employed to indicate the actual content of NSFW links. So far he has “Offensicons” for nudity, sex, profanity, general yuckiness and other. It’s actually a pretty good idea and the icons themselves…