Seven Years Later
Today hurt. This beautiful Thursday was eerily reminiscent of that clear Tuesday seven years ago. I’ve little to say, other than that the Big Picture’s collection of 9/11-related photos is well worth a look.
Today hurt. This beautiful Thursday was eerily reminiscent of that clear Tuesday seven years ago. I’ve little to say, other than that the Big Picture’s collection of 9/11-related photos is well worth a look.
That expressway tanker truck fire in Oakland the other day seems to have driven the 9/11 conspiracy nuts“truthers” well, to distraction, shall we say. The Fark thread commenting upon the affair (see Panicky 9/11 truth nutjobs debate Oakland gas tanker…
Tycho over at Penny Arcade pointed out a trailer for a forthcoming scaremongering “vidjyo games is the DEVvill!” “documentary” called (are you ready for this?) “Moral Kombat”. Utterly irresponsible and disgusting, in the span of two short minutes this trailer…
Another year gone by, buddy. Hope this year was better than most. My best to you and your wife.
The dread is mostly gone, but the cold fury remains, as do the tears - tears of sadness for those lost, tears of joy mixed with sorrow at the tales of heroism and the heroes that died that day. Such a catastrophe brought out the best in New Yorkers - no mean feat, that. September 11th showed that in the most impersonal and cynical city in America, everyday heroes still flourish. Day by day, EMTs, police officers, firemen, and first responders go quietly about their duties, never seeking praise from those of us cowardly enough to forget their everyday sacrifices. We conveniently forget that their sacrifices allow the rest of us the opportunity to even affect cycnicism. Do what you can to change that, won't you?
A good rule of thumb is: if you need a protractor to properly express your outrage, you’ve probably gone too far. –Allahpundit, referring to Rightwing “Islamic crescent” conspiracy mongering in re: the United 93 memorial in Shanksville, PA
911 operator tells caller fire is actually fog. Historic fort catches fog, burns to ground. Heh.