Tag: Barack Obama

  • Internet Future-/Navel-Gazing

    A quick thought (and corresponding question) occurred to me: Bill Clinton was the first President to face opponents on the Internet, George W. Bush the first to face organized opposition, and Barack Obama the first to capably utilize that opposition to get elected. What “first” will the next President likely face?

  • The Comprehensive Case Against Barack Obama

    …Guy Benson, Mary Katherine Ham and Ed Morrisey, they make it. A pull-quote is in order: What follows is by no means comprehensive, but it does shed some much-needed light on a number of Obama’s positions, statements, and associations about which he has been less than honest. We’ve attempted to boil each issue down to…

  • This Browser Is… So HEAVY!

    …Heavy with links! It’s time, folks, for another massive download of Links Of Interest that I’ve managed to pack-ratsave for your enjoyment, so here goes. Near-zero-G Mentos & Diet Coke! Yay, science! I’ve run into some funny automated censorship software in the past (the old America’s Army forums had a particularly aggressive one, so much…

  • That’s Not Particularly Statesman-like, Senator Obama!

    From CNN’s “breaking news” headlines area just now: I mean, I know Joe Biden can be a bit of a bore at times, but adding insult to the whole not-choosing-him-for-Vice-President thing is just mean. Heh. And the breathless press waits breathlessly for The One to breathily make His Veep Pronouncement.

  • Barack-Rolled

    Forget Rickrolling, you’ve been Barack-rolled! Bwahahaha!

  • From The “Missed Headline Opportunities: Political” Division

    …Yes, yes, Barack, but where do they bury the survivors? The passes that Obama continuously receives from the media are seriously starting to tick me off. George Bush is prone to malaprops, certainly, while B.H.O. is prone to gaffes. One of them gets Bushisms of the Day, the other gets crickets chirping. If we get…

  • Don’t Be So Quick To Laugh, My Friends

    Glenn Reynolds noted that Rachel Lucas and Charlotte Hays were basically unimpressed by Barack Obama’s campaign trail rhetoric “calling out” critics of his wife. Specifically, on Good Morning America he said “If they think that they’re going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful, because that I find…