Tag: Blogger Import

  • Death To The Old Gray Geek!

    All becomes clear now. Let’s try some Google sleuthing. Google Search Phrase: VizaWeb sucks. First hit? A recent entry by none other than Leo Laporte formerly of TechTV fame. It seems as though Leo’s site uses VizaWeb and he has been recommending them for others desiring of hosting solutions. The client base of VizaWeb has…

  • Blogging From The In-Laws: Day 9 (Recap)

    The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou I got a chance to go see The Life Aquatic with my brother-in-law yesterday. We both found it to be highly entertaining, although you may have to be a bit of a fan of Wes Anderson’s other works (Rushmore, Bottle Rocket, and The Royal Tennenbaums) or at least have…