Tag: John-Scalzi

  • Scalzi Beaten To The Punch By… Al Franken?

    In the wake of the Stephen Colbert Whitehouse Correspondents dinner kerfuffle, I was cruising the Internet[s] looking for prior precedent for comedians excoriating a sitting president to his face when I stumbled across a draft version of Al Franken’s routine at the 1996 WHC dinner. As I perused the speech, I noted with interest the…

  • A Very Merry Un-Birthday, To Me? To Me!

    Well, it’s time to celebrate your birthday, it happens every year We’ll eat a lot of broccoli and drink a lot of beer You should be good and happy that there’s something you can eat A million people every day are starving in the street Your daddy’s in the gutter with the wretched and the…