Tag: Sony

  • This Week In Schadenfreude

    schadenfreude (SHäʹdÉ™nfroid’É™/), noun: Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune. Okay, maybe not full-on schadenfreude, but these stories certainly induced a certain wry smile or two from Yours Truly. JammieWearingFool: Somali pirates receive ransom, hilarity ensues. This is the dramatic moment a ransom of $3million was paid to Somali pirates to end the world’s…

  • The Very Definition Of “Too Much Time On One’s Hands”

    Sony’s forthcoming platformer/world-creation game LittleBigPlanet recently hit beta and folks the world over are giving a shot at designing wacky levels and contraptions. There have been some nifty, as well as tasteless (read: 9/11/01 recreations) levels made, but none, I repeat, none of them have even come close to the insanity of a full arithmetic…

  • And Now, PlayPowerStationPoint

    Great, now even my Keynote presentations are going to look lame in comparison to Sony’s annual report, as viewed through the prism of LittleBigPlanet: Guess I’ll put in a purchase request for a PS3…

  • This Just Gets Better And Better

    Ahhhh, Sony BMG, how we love to hate thee! Not only have you been caught installing unauthorized rootkits on your customers’ PCs, but it’s been found that you’re illegally using LGPL’d software to do so. Tsk tsk. What’s the Japanese word for schadenfreude, anyways? Anti-Competitive Update #1: Via Fark, we find out that Sony BMG…

  • Sony – Doing Their Best To Drive Their Customers Away, One Rootkit At A Time

    Let’s first posit that you’re a multinational corporation with vast and sundry interests in various industries, including the music business. Let’s then posit that you were caught installing highly dubious software on your customers’ PCs in order to prevent “piracy”. What would you do if someone discovered that your “solution” to the problems you’ve caused…