Tag Television

Kiss My Shiny, Foil-Based Optical Media!

From ComiCon comes the wonderful news that Futurama is back with a vengeance as of late November ’07. It will be back as a 4 episode per DVD, 4 DVD set, bringing the total to 16 brand new episodes which…

Life Imitating Art Imitating… Blech.

Tobias FünkeAnderson Cooper — nevernude? I’ll let you be the judge: Y[ou] can’t be too careful, especially when you’re high-profile anchorman Anderson Cooper. Cyber gossip Janet Charlton reports the white-haired CNN star regularly works out at the Equinox gym in…

Translation: CNN Headlines To English

I have noticed that CNN/CNN Headline News have begun “tagging” all of their news with helpful chronological crawler/ticker headline messages. These tags allow one to, at a glance, determine approximately how old the news they are being presented with is.…