Children Of The ’80’s: Dust Off Your Tennis Ball Cannons
…’Cause American Gladiators is coming back to T.V.. I wonder if they’ll bring back the gladiators’ character names — Nitro, etc. — or whether we’re in for something a little bit different. In any event: w00t!
Kiss My Shiny, Foil-Based Optical Media!
From ComiCon comes the wonderful news that Futurama is back with a vengeance as of late November ’07. It will be back as a 4 episode per DVD, 4 DVD set, bringing the total to 16 brand new episodes which will also run on Comedy Central (over and over and over, I’ll wager, given CC’s…
While I’m In The “Posting Videos” Mood…
Submitted for your enjoyment/consideration. A Demetri Martin “video” that’s little more than a still shot with a voice-over. Still, it’s pretty good comedy (and it beats taking the airlines): The Robot Chicken Star Wars Special, Part 1:
Looks Like We’ll Never Need Another Timmy
I read with a good deal of sadness that Mr. Wizard died yesterday morning. For all of you youngsters, he was like Beakman or Bill Nye, oldschool-style. His experiments were decidedly a low-fi sort of affair, but they were entertaining and engaging. I’m sure he’s responsible for just as many engineers as James Doohan. A…
G.E., NBC Universal: A Word, If You Please
Word on the street has it that your fall T.V. schedule is in trouble. Your Thursday night comedy lineup is critically-approved but audience-ignored, your procedural crime dramas are going nowhere fast, you canceled yet another Aaron Sorkin show (bad move there — I actually liked Studio 60…) and your only bright spot is Heroes (I…
Joost Invites Out The Wazoo
Now that the unlimited invite version of Joost, the new Web 2.0-ish streaming “TV” application, has arrived, I have unlimited invites to drop. Anyone looking to get in on the beta, please just leave a comment in the comments section of this post. It’s pretty cool, I must say.
Life Imitating Art Imitating… Blech.
Tobias FünkeAnderson Cooper — nevernude? I’ll let you be the judge: Y[ou] can’t be too careful, especially when you’re high-profile anchorman Anderson Cooper. Cyber gossip Janet Charlton reports the white-haired CNN star regularly works out at the Equinox gym in the Time Warner Center, where he attracts a lot of attention from hard bodies of…
It Just Doesn’t Get Any Cooler Than Mythbusters Vs. The Ninja
It’s a veritable nexus of Internet Hipsterism, I tell ya, when The Mythbusters Ask A Ninja. I think he’s onto something there — Jamie just might be a robot!
Translation: CNN Headlines To English
I have noticed that CNN/CNN Headline News have begun “tagging” all of their news with helpful chronological crawler/ticker headline messages. These tags allow one to, at a glance, determine approximately how old the news they are being presented with is. However, these messages are not in plain English. In furtherance of a fuller understanding of…
“What We Call The News”
Those JibJab cats (the ones that brought you the memorable This Land Is Your Land spoof during the ’04 elections) are back with another catchy video called “What We Call The News“. Check it out: