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WordPress Backup Week

I just received the following press release from the WP Hackers mailing list and thought I’d pass it on to you, my humble readership.

Press Release
Backing Up is Not Just for Cars
Your WordPress database contains every post, every comment and every link you have on your blog. If your database gets erased or corrupted, you stand to lose everything you have written. There are many reasons why this could happen and not all are things you can control. But what you can do is backup your data. After all, it is important isn’t it?
WordPress Backup Week July 23-30 aims to help you become more familiar with the process of backing up and protecting your data.
Step-by-step backup instructions will be available in the online manual, the WordPress Codex, and support provided online in the WordPress Support Forum to help you through the process.
Guides will be available to help you backup your WordPress site and database for a variety of systems and server software such as cPanel, DirectAdmin, Plesk and vDeck. Consider using this Backup Week as an incentive to backup all your valuable documents and software, too.
These guides will assist you in determining:

  • When and how to make backups.
  • How to make things right after an unexpected data loss befalls your WordPress database.

Making backups is essential because problems inevitably occur and you need to be in a position to take action when disaster strikes. Spending a few minutes to make an easy, convenient backup of your database will allow you to spend even more time being creative and productive with your website.
For more information or to help volunteer on this WordPress Community Event, see WordPress Backup Week.

That’s good advice, people. Data loss stinks, bigtime, so make it easy on yourselves and back up regularly.


2 responses to “WordPress Backup Week”

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