(Yes, that was a Strong Bad reference).
I was about to have a coronary on my commute in this morning, as I had made the classic mistake of tuning in to NPR in lieu of the cruder-yet-somehow-more-morally-uplifting fare peddled by the Preston & Steve Show over on WMMR. Much Serious Discussion was in the offing on what to do about the North Korean “nuclear” test and the All Things Considered crew decided to throw the question over to noted TV commentator Cokie “Chokie Roberts” Roberts who gave the actual question around 30 seconds of airtime before tearing the conversational clutch out in an effort to somehow tie the Mark Foley scandal in.
These people are ridiculous. Instead of paying attention to, you know, things that can kill us all, they’re obsessing over some dirty IMs sheerly because they have the potential of damaging the Republicans. “No left-wing bias”, my foot.
Chokie is so on my “groining list”, although I’m not quite sure it will have the same effect (ala the crazy sister in So I Married An Axe Murderer) as intended.