
Hip-Hip Huzzah!

“I’ve, like, got a note from a pastor and that’s totally as good as one from a doctor, right?

Keely and Kevin
I apologize for the lack of posting that has plagued the blog since Thursday. Wife, child, future child and I have been out of town attending my (only) sister’s wedding. It was a great weekend and, except for an overabundance of heat and humidity on the afternoon of the ceremony, everything went swimmingly. My dad even made it through his part of the ceremony without breaking down (there were some mild tears/sniffles).
My sister married another P.K., so both my father and the groom’s father officiated over the ceremony, which was pretty cool. If this was any indicator, “Too many pastors spoil a wedding” isn’t likely to replace “Too many cooks…” anytime soon.
Her new hubby is, by all accounts, a great guy, an assessment that I definitely agree with based upon the time I’ve gotten to spend with him. I’m looking forward to getting a chance to get to know him better, as everyone else in the family has gotten to spend a good deal more time with him since he and my sister started seeing each other.
The reception was a blast for all, including most especially Will who got to dance with his first flower girl:
Will and Hailey
That’s m’boy!
As for me, I’m bedward-bound, as I’m just about plum tuckered out.


3 responses to “Hip-Hip Huzzah!”

  1. Heather R Avatar
    Heather R

    Mazel Tov!

  2. Agent Orange Avatar
    Agent Orange

    What the Frick? Wow, we are old…….And I am sure your mother is disappointed with the whole thing as well due to previous attempts at getting me into the fam. Oh well, wish the sis all the best from me if you have a chance.

  3. AndyOne Avatar

    Send my (our) regards to the new bride and groom!