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Traffic Surfing

So last week was fun, traffic-wise. Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds posted a link to an older entry of mine on the same day that he opined about the prevalence of “Can’t connect to database” errors that WordPress-powered sites tend to throw under load. Fortunately for me, I had anticipated just such a meteoric rise to Cylon-powered stardom and installed Donncha’s WP Super Cache plugin, and lo!, all was well. Unfortunately, as the above graph shows, few of those inbound links resulted in follow-on visits. Ingrates! Trespassers! Users! Fie!
The link resulted in my single highest day’s traffic and my single highest week’s aggregate traffic, which is definitely nice, considering my highest-trafficked pieces to date have been my contributions to Teh Internets’ vast archive of Scottish Slang. So, you know, net benefit and all that.


2 responses to “Traffic Surfing”

  1. That’s a very nice spike in your traffic! Glad your server survived it.

  2. I really do have to thank you for your work on the plugin. It’s been a night vs. day thing, even on shared hosting. My Dreamhost blogs used to sputter along and take up to 10-15 seconds to even load. It got better with the first WP Cache and now it’s even better with WP Super Cache.
    Excellent work! If you’re ever in the Philly area, I owe you a pint.