Category Friends

The Watercooler

Thanks go out to Aron and Heather for pointing me to the Watercooler. It’s a cool collection of random/nifty links that’s updated fairly often and has already yielded (for me, at least) breakdancing Transformers, insane jumps ala Jackie Chan, and…

More Prosenfeldisms

Ahh! I come bearing more pearls of wisdom from Messr. Rosenfeld. I know it’s been a while, for which I apologize, but he’s been absent from work for the last while for various and sundry reasons and thus unable to…


There’s a gent at work by the name of P. Rosenfeld (name foreshortened to protect the innocent) who tends to have an odd outlook on life but whose company I wouldn’t trade for much of anything. He’s one of the…

Miscellaneous /etc

It’s been a full week since I last posted and I think it’s high time I finally update the site. Things have been busy. My cousin’s wedding went well – the ceremony was beautiful and they had weather to match.…

Arp! Arp! Arp!

Too tired to post much at the moment. We just got back from the Mets game today (thanks P&J) and saw Tom Glavine pitch a one-hit shutout complete game. A few observations, though. New York should not, under any circumstances,…

The Tao of Wahila

Back when I went to college, there was a fellow by the name of Kevin Wahila that attended the InterVarsity Christian fellowship with me on campus. Kevin was a great guy, very forthright and earnest, almost to a fault. In…

Help Get LCpl. Van Fleet Hired!

I have a bit of a favor to ask from my readers today. There’s a young Marine that goes to my church by the name of LCpl. Brian Van Fleet who needs some help in his “blue-to-gray” transition. He’s currently…

The Essence of Blogging

I had an interesting conversation with Aron the other day regarding the direction in which he wanted to take his blog. He worried that most of his best material would come about as a result of negative experiences and so…

Aron’s Blog

My good friend Aron Rubin has started his own blog, Rubinium. There’s not a whole lot there at the moment, but head over there and give it a look.

Brad’s Gettin’ Hitched

So my best friend Brad proposed to his girlfriend Saturday. He’s the last to go, so head over to his blog and leave a congratulatory comment. And dig that rock on his fiancee’s hand!