Willow Grove Air Show
My wife, two friends and I attended the Willow Grove (PA) Air Show on Saturday (9/14) and came away highly impressed. Of note was the combined field assault demonstration put on by the military. It featured a Marines forward recon team inserted by Bell Huey in order to mark the target. Two overflights of F-18s…
An update to yesterday’s post. *sigh* Diana, we hardly knew ye.
I am in shock. After spending most of last week in New Hampshire, I returned to find an email in my inbox from my best friend, the upshot of which was: his life sucks. He took some extra time to graduate and was all set to (finally) get an engineering job that was ideally placed…
Been busy here at work. Have I mentioned that I hate Oracle and Perl? Have I mentioned that the current project I’m working on employs both of those? It’s so hard to go back to Perl after using php for so long and Oracle is just overkill for what I need to do. *sigh* Oh…
Informational Work Paralysis
They shouldn’t let me near the Internet. There’s just so much good stuff out there that I get Informational Work Paralysis. To put it bluntly: my need to inhale information supersedes all other concerns, and my work thus suffers. Seriously. The Wall Street Journal and Gamespot need to start charging to let people read their…
Busy Weekend
Had a busy weekend. My good friends Aron and Heather got married yesterday in Cherry Hill. That was in addition to: Aron’s bachelor party Friday night My grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary party on Saturday A now-traditional Wedding Day IHOP visit (side note: a modification to said tradition has been put in place. We forgot to…
They’re Trying to Kill Us
Daniel Henninger struck gold in today’s WSJ. Have we forgotten they’re trying to kill us? We need more people at higher echelons of the gov’t to think/speak this way. Rumsfeld can’t do it all, after all!
Go Forrester.
Doug Forrester, former mayor of West Windsor, NJ (my high school hometown) has drawn even with Bob “The Torch” Torricelli, who continues to be plagued by ethics problems. Go Forrester.
Frist Proust!
Figured it was time to latch on to the blogging bandwagon (“blandwagon”?), since everyone and their brother’s dog now seems to have one. Need to come up with a better title for this h’yar blog; “rm -rf /bin/laden” was the first thing that lept to mind, as it’s sitting here on the whiteboard in my…