Category Military

Good News From Iraq

American hostage Roy Hallums has been rescued after nearly 10 months in captivity. Our thoughts and prayers of praise are with him and his family.

Never Mess With A Dead Man’s Widow

Juan Cole, Middle Eastern Studies professor extraordinare is an ever-cheerful [Sarcasm! -ed.] voice on the US’s progress in Iraq, faithfully tallying the body counts and finding the cloud in every silver lining, at least when it comes to our mission…

Amen To That

Frank J. offers an urgent call to President Bush and I, too, urge him on in this pursuit: punch Senator Chuck “Junior Maverick” Hagel square in the face. The amount of hyperventillating going on on NPR over Sen. McCain, Jr.’s…

Darn You, Ford Motor Company!

I know when I’m being emotionally manipulated, but, doggonit, this ad just about made me lose it at my desk at work. *sniffle* There’s no crying in IT work! I’ve just got something in my eye… If you’ve a sentimental…

Saved By A Review

I heard an NPR spot for FX’s new show “Over There” which supposedly depicts life on the ground during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Initially, I wondered if it would be worth downloadingwatching. Thankfully, some real soldiers have done the watching and…