Category Observations

Finally, It’s Finished

The audit is closed out, my stint as senior admin on-site and the last “all hands” meeting of the year are all in the past now which means that I may finally be able to take some serious time out…

A Geek… Errr, GReek Tragedy

Take one part myth (various and sundry tales of the Spartans), one part history (the Battle of Thermopylae), one part geekage (300, Frank Miller’s miniseries depicting the battle) and one part Hollywood magic (see above trailer or the high-res version…

Es Schneit! Es Schneit!

It’s snowing outside, or at least it was about 10 minutes ago. While the ground is far too warm for any of it to stick, it really feels like December, you know? It really gets my Germano-Scotch-Celtic-Scandanavian blood up and…

Good Taste Wins Out, For Once

I was extremely surprised to find out that Fox News was readying an interview with O.J. Simpson in advance of his “hypothetical” book’s release. I was even more surprised to find out that they not only backed off the interview…