Category Outright Geekage

Test Your CBGIQ

Just how well do you know your comic book superheroes? What is your Comic Book Geek I.Q.? If you think yourself a real comic book afficionado, BBSpot has a quiz worth taking titled Superhero or Household Cleaner?. See how well…

For Science!

Step 1: Construct servo-powered Airsoft robotic sentry gun (think Aliens…). Step 2: In a time-honored tradition, convince younger brother to volunteer for test run. Be sure to videotape the test. Step 3: Post video and design photos to Internet[s]. Step…

No, No, No, No, NO!

I’ve generally liked the Spider-Man movies as implemented by Sam Raimi and his creative crew, but I must object to his casting of Topher Freakin’ Grace as Venom! Eddie Brock, aka Venom – 6’3″, 260lbs. former-weight-lifter-turned-newspaper-reporter and, when combined with…