Category: Outright Geekage

  • Further Sith Reviews And Commentaries

    There has been a huge number of blogospheric reviews of Revenge of the Sith written since the film’s release, many of which were straight-forward reviews. Some, however, have stood out from the pack: Citizen Smash reports that RotS made him laugh, and not in a good way; Orson Scott Card called it as good as…

  • Episode Drei

    Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith As previously mentioned, I acquired a ticket to attend a screening of Episode III yesterday morning. I had to hoof it out to King of Prussia in order to see it, but my efforts were rewarded with a continental breakfast, coffee, complimentary popcorn and soda, a brief…

  • Yes, But Does He Have An Effete Wine Conniseur For A Younger Brother?

    Word on the street is that Kelsey Grammer has been cast to play Beast in X-Men 3. While I initially reacted in shock, the choice is growing on me. Here’s hoping X-3 continues the trend of good-to-excellent (excepting Elektra, of course) Marvel-based movies we’ve been treated to these past five years or so.

  • Sweet Jumpin’ Jim Jeffords On A Rocket-Powered Pogo Stick!

    Looks like I’m going to need to start searching for people to buy my internal organs, as the PS3 has officially been revealed. The purported performance specs are impressive, as are the inclusion of Bluetooth controllers, Gigabit Ethernet, built-in 802.11 b/g support, 6 USB ports, Memory Stick/SD/Compact Flash ports, support for every stinkin’ optical media…

  • DC Comics Changes Logo; Unclear Whether TN Titans Will Sue

    Let’s say you’re an established company with an established reputation and a distinctive logo. Would you really want to throw away a quarter century’s worth of branding by switching to a new logo that looks like it might have been rejected by the World League of American Football? Left: Good, simple, classic. Right: Bad, ugly,…

  • Pegging The Geek-O-Meter

    While there are many valid uses for lightsabers, I would be extremely wary of and advise against using them to fend off muggers, slice bagels, trim hedges or light cigarettes.

  • Traipsing About The Precipice Of Surreality

    I certainly hope that Strongbad’s “appearance” on All Things Considered doesn’t signal The Brothers Chaps’ jumping of the proverbial shark. Nahh. TBC have too much material to work with and are providing too good of a product for such fears to come true. Still, it’s definitely weird to hear Homestar Runner’s voice coming over the…

  • Opportunities Missed

    Dang, had I only listened to my wife and moved to Dallas (and decided to have a baby six months earlier, on Mothers’ Day, at Parkland Hospital), we’d be the proud parents of a bouncing baby TiVo unit and a lifetime subscription to TiVo’s service. Oh yeah, and we’d have a baby already, too.

  • Engineering Humo[u]r

    Understanding Engineers – Take One Two engineering students crossing the campus when one said, “Where did you get such a great bike?” The second engineer replied, “Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all…