Category Politics

State Of The Union Reaction

In an effort to maintain our official status as “political junkies,” my wife and I sat down last night and watched both the Presdient’s State of the Union speech and the Democrats’ response as delivered by Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine.…

This Just In

Washington, D.C. filled with thin-skinned, juvenile, self-aggrandizing individuals who hire other people to be petty, juvenile, foul-mouthed and relentlessly self-aggrandizing for them. I, for one, am shocked, shocked to see such behavior from our elected officials’ hired hands.

Run Swanny, Run!

I have a confession to make: I hadn’t been paying a whole lot of attention to the Pennsylvania governor’s race until I heard Lynn Swann on Sean Hannity’s show about a week ago. I know it’s hard to believe that…