Category Technology

“Never Underestimate The Bandwidth Of…”

From the posted-even-though-no-one-but-me-will-get-a-kick-out-of-it dept. I know that we systems administrators tend to be a bit of an odd lot, but there’s been a quote that has floated around sysadmin circles for years. There are quite a few variations, but the…

Post-It Note Artwork

From the way-too-much-time-on-their-hands dept. Something tells me these UCSC engineering students 1) played way too much Nintendo in their earlier days and 2) had a bunch of free time with nothing to do. Still, what a cool concept

Horse Hockey!

Hey Gigabyte! I’ve got a brilliant idea: why don’t you make it so the only way you can possibly upgrade your motherboards’ BIOSes be through a friggin’ Win32 only program? Why not fly in the face of years of precedent…

Sabayon: GNOME-Centric SysAdmin’s Dream Come True

The Sabayon project looks very, very promising for sysadmins (like me) who have a large population of GNOME users whose desktops the admins want to autoconfigure. Although I deplore GConf (it’s basically a Windows Registry, implemented in flat text files…

Vaguely Disturbing/Humorous Spam Email Of The Day

The following spam email: Subject: Re: Slutty Housewires Cheats on husband [emphasis mine. -ed.] From: Concern R. Inclosed < [email address deleted]> To: [me] Message: What are the washing instructions? [spam link clipped] The less routine the more life. Uvidimsja…

I’m “Hip”. I’m “With It”.

Microsoft, in an attempt to help all those parents out there troubled by their leet-speekin’ kids, now offers a “helpful” primer on just how to understand your otherwise unintelligible progeny. They offer such valuable advice as “Rules of grammar are…