Category Video Games

Oh, Bravo, EA, Bra-vo!

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade, right? So if life hands you glitches, you make… glitchade? Sacriliciousness aside, that there’s some good humor. Well-played, EA Sports, well-played.

And Now, PlayPowerStationPoint

Great, now even my Keynote presentations are going to look lame in comparison to Sony’s annual report, as viewed through the prism of LittleBigPlanet: Guess I’ll put in a purchase request for a PS3…

Updating A Classic

While playing Mario Kart Wii, for some reason I was reminded of this Far Side cartoon: I decided to update it a bit for the videogaming era: Heh. (Click the pic for full size.)

Wii’s Back — Wheeee!

That’s right, the Wii arrived back, safe and sound. Turns out my “main circuit board” needed replacing. I’m unsure as to what was specifically wrong, but the solution was really the best I could have hoped for. All my Miis…


Curse and blast! Above is the screen that I am now resigned to staring at each day until my Wii returns from the Nintendo service depot. It started exhibiting “visual tearing” (little black shimmery spots) artifacts a few months ago,…

Defend Your Castle

Okay, this just looks ridiculously fun. Nintendo released their “WiiWare” channel today, allowing original, direct-download gaming on the Wii in exchange for Wii points. Nintendo Wii Fanboy has posted their review of Defend Your Castle, one of the launch titles…