Category: Sports

  • College Lacrosse 2012 — Crud, Now I’ve Got To Get An Xbox

    College Lacrosse 2012 — Crud, Now I’ve Got To Get An Xbox

    Well, that seals it — College Lacrosse 2012, an Xbox Live Indie Games release means that I’ll have to get an Xbox. Anyone have one they want to give me?

  • This Is Going To Take Some Serious Getting-Used-To

    Brett Favre. Viking. It’s as though Darth Vader showed up at the rebel base on Yavin IV and said “Hey guys, can I fight for you?” Methinks the rebels would be within their rights to say “Hey, Vade, thanks for the offer, but can you give us a minute to wrangle with the philosophical implications…

  • Life (Or At Least Aussie Sporting Events) At 1000 FPS

    Like, zoinks!, Scoob! As @gruber put it: mesmerizing.

  • Daddy/Will “Date”, March 2009

    Will and I hopped a train to Philly and caught a Wings lacrosse game over the weekend. The Wings were playing the Minnesota Swarm. Minnesota won, 13-12. W00t!

  • Oh, Bravo, EA, Bra-vo!

    When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade, right? So if life hands you glitches, you make… glitchade? Sacriliciousness aside, that there’s some good humor. Well-played, EA Sports, well-played.

  • This Is What I’m On About

    I’ve been boycotting the Beijing Olympics because, well, the whole thing’s a giant sham meant to legitimize a horrendous, totalitarian regime. Seems like ESPN’s Rick Reilly agrees with me. I’d offer a blockquote from the story, except it’s one giant image, so let this pullquote from the beginning suffice, then head over and read the…

  • Congrats, Riverside Green!

    One of our church’s two softball teams repeated as league champions last night. The wife, kids and I were in attendance to cheer our team on, as Riverside (Green) beat Chelten Baptist 11-6. Here’s to hoping both Green and Blue make it into the playoffs next year.

  • Professional Baseball Does Funny Things To One’s Head

    Or, at least, it certainly did funny things to Mark Littell’s head (see: NuttyBuddy). For reference’s sake: Yes indeedy, ’cause taking a fastball to the groin is a sane, rational thing to do. The above-linked PopSci article claims the genius is even going to go so far as to fire a bullet into a NuttyBuddy…

  • Schadenfreude: Can You Dig It?

    Oops. Heh. Cap’n Cutoff and his merry band of overachieving “unstoppables” finally met their match. The sweetness of two separate Mannings ending two consecutive seasons for the Pats is also delicious, n’est pas? ‘Gratz to the Giants on the biggest upset in Super Bowl history.

  • 2007 Fantasy Football Results, Week 4

    League: Fulford’s Heroes Hiphopopotamuses defeated Killer Sheep, 149.55 to 77.40. League: RSGFFCL Rhymenocerouses defeated Bruschi Bunch, 104.75 to 82.37. Randy Moss came up huge in both leagues for me this week, sweeping me to victory. Had I had the foresight to start Patrick Crayton (picked up off the waivers in both as well), I would…