Tag: Star-Wars

  • How “Jedi” Should Have Ended

    Pretty spot-on, honestly.

  • Swede Wars

    Star Wars: Uncut Trailer “StarWarsUncut.com Fans from around the world are joining forces to recreate the classic, Star Wars: A New Hope. The entire movie is split up into 15 second scenes. Claim a scene, film it, and upload it! When it’s all done, it’ll be stitched together so we can watch the magic happen.”…

  • Attaboy, Atilla The AT-AT!

    What to do with an oversized AT-AT toy? Why, pose it for pictures as though it were a cherished pet and then post the results on Flickr, of course! Awesome.

  • …Full Of Sound And Fury, Signifying Nothing

    Imagine, if you will, that you have somehow been able to escape seeing Star Wars in any of its incarnations but have managed to pick up its main tenets via cultural osmosis. What would your summary of the plot look like? Let us hope it is nothing like this: Heh.

  • The Jedi Gym

    It’s almost too good to be true. And then, 3/4 of the way in, you realize that it can’t be true. Heh. (By way of Extra Life.)

  • The Internet: Giving New Meaning To “Alternative” Music

    Let’s face it: there’s lots of folks on the Internet with lots of time on their hands and more money/talent than sense. Fortunately, these surpluses generally result in entertainment for the rest of us. For instance, Radiohead’s “Nude” performed on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Epson LX-81 Dot Matrix Printer, HP Scanjet 3c and a whole…

  • Advice For The Ages

    “Don’t talk back to Darth Vader, he’ll getcha.” This one’s been making the blogospheric rounds and thus, who am I to stomp on a meme? Enjoy Star Wars as interpreted by a 3 year old: Heh.

  • Philadelphia Metro Residents: Get Thee To The Franklin Institute

    For lo, Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination is currently running and is eminently check-out-able. (CrunchGear has pictures to prove it.)

  • Holy Cow!

    So it’s been a month in which lots has gone on with a new baby in the house and I’ve had a chance to collect more than my fair share of links that may or may not interest, astound and amaze you, so, you know, watch out! Links to follow! I remember Name Lastname —…