Tag: Subversion

  • First-Rate Geeky Command Line Head-Smackage

    WARNING: GEEKY CONTENT AHEAD If you have no desire to read about login shells, Linux, source code management or other similarly geeky content, you’d best be skipping this one. -ed. Have you ever allowed a nuisance to go on for literally years simply because you couldn’t be bothered to do enough research to effectively nip…

  • WordPress Comings And Goings

    There’s been quite a bit of activity in the WordPress community as of late and it’s worth summarizing in brief. First off, the development version of WP has been “rebranded” from 1.6 to 2.0 and Beta 1 was officially announced last Saturday. To coincide with Beta 1’s release, Matt Mullenweg has been soliciting help from…