Tag: systems-administration

  • Making phpPgAdmin Work

    Making phpPgAdmin Work

    This post is more of a reminder to myself than anything else. It took me a while and a bit of Googling to find the right answer. If you’re using phpPgAdmin to administer PostgreSQL databases and you want to be able to alter records from the web-based interface — i.e., you want each row to…

  • The Necessity Of Software Updates: Forsooth, An Inconvenient Truth!

    Al Gore, the man who took the initiative in creating the Internet as well as in establishing a WordPress blog for his “documentary” An Inconvenient Truth, has had said blog mad haxx0red. Gore[‘s technological advisers] had the blog sitting at a very (read: 18 months) old version of WP, hence it was a ripe target…

  • Nice Inbox You’ve Got There — Shame If Something Were To Happen To It…

    An enterprising Slashdotter, spurred by a pair of articles, asks Are Sysadmins Really that Bad? The short answer is: yes, yes we are. The long answer is: be nice to us, include us on the planning stages of your projects, tell us when we’ve done either good or bad things, always remember Sysadmin Appreciation Day…