Tag: t-shirts

  • Cybernetic Change We Can Believe In

    We’ve already noted the overt visual similarities between John McCain and Saul Tigh, but this weekend’s All-Sarah-Palin-All-The-Time Media Circus caused several observant bloggers (whose names/URLs I’ve unfortunately Cmd+W’d and thus are lost to the ether) to note a not dissimilar look between Laura Roslin and Sarah Palin. This, of course, forced me to roll out…

  • Wardrobe Suggestions

    Nobrainer, your custom-made t-shirt has arrived: I wonder if t-shirts can increase your fuel efficiency?

  • It’s Friday, You Ain’t Got No Job, You Ain’t Got No Money

    …But you sure-as-heck have stuff to do, namely: check these links! Foo! All you Philly area WordPressers take note: Matt Mullenweg will be in town next week and attending a meetup on Thursday. Grab a stool and swing by (well, not in that order necessarily…). Quaker Oats: Scottish Edition, possessors of the finest box logo…