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Mildly Intemperate In The Face Of Political Criticism

Brad recently got himself into a bit of hot water with his commenters while commenting on the general state of affairs in the New Orleans area post-Katrina. I think his point is valid, albeit perhaps inelegantly expressed.
Well, if your hackles were raised by Brad’s take, then don’t even bother checking out Mark Jaquith’s screed, because he makes the same points, albeit in a more straightforward and indelicate manner. This doesn’t take from the fact that, at base, both Brad and Mark are right. Sooner or later, we human beings have to take responsibility for our own actions and the consequences we reap.
See also: Rightwing Nuthouse’s Katrina timeline, speculation that a barge caused the levee to fail, Jeff Goldstein’s defense of conservatism in the face of Katrina’s aftermath (as well as his catch of an interesting New York Times quote and a realization that a brief reading of The Corner may well bring him to despise humanity ala Gulliver) , Steve H. calling out the voters of Louisiana, and the inaugural “Buses idled while people die, uhh, dled” observations over on Junk Yard Blog.


4 responses to “Mildly Intemperate In The Face Of Political Criticism”

  1. or Just Sloppy? The Bellman linked with Katrina timelines The Storm linked with Katrina Timeline Literal Barrage linked with Mildly Intemperate In The Face Of Political Critic… Just Some Poor Schmuck linked with A Timeline Of Katrina Responses All Things Beautiful linked with Firing

  2. […] Mildly Intemperate In The Face Of Political Criticism Brad recently got himself into a bit of hot water with his commenters while commenting on the general state of affairs in the New Orleans area post-Katrina. I think his point is valid, albeit perhaps inelegantly expressed. Well, if your hackles were… Tracked by: Literal Barrage at 2005 09 06 15:41:45 […]