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Blogging From The In-Laws, 2005 Edition (Days 8 & 9)

This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series Blogging From The In-Laws, 2005 Edition

You can never go home again.

This year’s excursion to Dallas has been an odd one in more than a few ways. With the birth of Will, we were looking to spare a few bucks and so ended up coming down almost a week earlier than normal in order to beat the Christmas rush. The wedding that occurred a mere day and a half after our arrival and the car travel that accompanied it threw our schedules off even further, resulting in the whole trip feeling simultaneously interminable and abbreviated, if that’s possible.

No place like the displacement is the fact that my wife’s parents moved out of their previous house a few months prior to our arrival and into a “discipleship house” that they are taking responsibility for. The Christian ministry they’re a part of (they don’t like to be referred to as a “church”, as their purposes are primarily service-oriented and less of what one might consider traditional “church fare”) has sponsored such a house for men for several years. Young men from troubled backgrounds, often coming from drug and alcohol addicted states or recent brushes with the law, agree to a fairly regimented and structured life where they are given caring surroundings and Christian teaching/discipleship in order to help them get their feet under themselves and become mature believers. My in-laws felt led to establish an analog with a mission to serve similarly situated young women. They also have long had a heart for the homeless population of Dallas and the house chosen for this mission is right off Central Expressway in a neighborhood that hosts a fairly large homeless population, meaning that they are able to serve the needs of the homeless fairly directly. I’ve gone out with them to hand out baked potatoes and it’s a wonder to see the ways in which they’ve already started gaining the trust and respect of the homeless people in the neighborhood in these first few months.

I’m amazed at the work they’ve been able to accomplish in such a short time, but the change inherent in such an endeavor, combined with the fact that there are now several non-family members living in the house with my in-laws only increases the displacement I feel. We had begun to get into a bit of a pattern over the past few years, with events playing out fairly uniformly from year to year; now, there’s a grandson added to the mix, as well as a change in locales and a fairly drastic change in scheduling.

It’s an odd sensation, almost equivalent to the feelings I had when my parents moved immediately after I graduated High School. Returning “home” from college never felt quite right, and their house, while familiar, still doesn’t feel like a “home”. Andy probably knows exactly what I’m talking about, as his parents executed a similar maneuver post-H.S. as well as my wife’s family [they’ve moved twice since she graduated, to be clear. -ed.], while Brad will soon be able to speak to the feeling himself, although I’d imagine his relocation to S.C. has probably hastened the non-home sensation.

We’re due to observe Christmas tomorrow afternoon, so we have a real chance to start some new traditions, with my son getting a ground floor opportunity to help shape them. It should be fun.

I’ll never get used to it being 60° at Christmas, though…

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2 responses to “Blogging From The In-Laws, 2005 Edition (Days 8 & 9)”

  1. Agent Orange Avatar
    Agent Orange

    That’s right….you pansies ran away but the Hahd Cohr WWP’rs stuck it out! I said goodbye to the old home over TGiving, I guess I really won’t realize that I won’t be going North for family again until my parents move. I did realize that I will need to get a hotel for Andy 2’s wedding though, that was odd, knowing that I used to have sooo many friends in the area and now….none.

    And I’m with you, the warm Christmases SUCK!

  2. I know I speak for the wifey when I say that we lost all semblance of “home” after graduation from college. Things just change on you. That, and we bounced all over the country. Now that we are settled (for now), the only place we feel home is, well, our home. Any other locale, no matter the company we are in, will always be a little bit foreign…

    As to Xmas and weather: At least YOUR folks don’t put lights on their palm trees. Very much like the Corona commercial. Ugghh…

    If you were to give me the choice between sunny and 70F or rainy and 37F (like it was), I choose the former…