Blogging From The In-Laws, 2005 Edition (Days 10 & 11)

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good, errrm, Morning!

Good morning, and a merry Christmas to you all. Christmas Day dawned bright and warm here in Dallas and, from the looks of things, it’s unseasonably warm back up north of the Mason-Dixon, as well. Alas, no White Christmas. If only we had signed the Kyoto Protocol! *wink*

Christmas Props

  • Thanks go out to my brother-in-law for the Relient K CD, as well as the superlative Batman: Year One. Frank Miller’s dark take on Batman’s origins makes for very compelling reading and provided obvious inspiration for Batman Begins.
  • Speaking of Batman Begins, thanks go out to my mother- and father-in-law for the DVD of such, as well as the DVD of Serenity. It don’t get much better’n that.
  • Thanks go out to my sister-in-law for the kickin’ new “do” and all the styling products that accompany it. Now I can look like something other than an utter schlub at work and at play. *grin*

Christmas Admissions

A couple guilty Christmastime confessions:

  1. I tear up at the end of It’s A Wonderful Life every year. You know the scene: The entire town turns out to donate money to George Bailey in order to keep him out of the pokey. I get a little choked up even thinking about it.
  2. I don’t care what anyone says, the first two Home Alone movies are works of near Three Stooges level comedic genius.

Christmas Tip

To Brad, and any other recipients of Video iPods this year: take a look at No-Frills DVD2iPod. You may enjoy what you find.

Merry Christmas!

MMHMMSerenity (Widescreen Edition)Batman: Year One Deluxe EditionBatman Begins (Widescreen Edition)
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This entry is part 6 of 11 in the series Blogging From The In-Laws, 2005 Edition

Husband & father with youngins; Presbyterian; Will devops for boardgames; Dadjoke Enthusiast; Longtime WordPress user; The failure mode of “clever” is...

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