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…To The Dump, To The Dump, To The Dump Dump DUMP!

That’s right, folks, it’s time for another browser-clearing session ’round these parts, so strap in and enjoy.
What’s worse than finding out that a former classmate was published in Linux Journal? Finding out that he works for Google and races BMWs on the weekends, of course. Hi, Laz!
The world’s oldest profession? Not recession proof. How did I know about this? CNN Headline news decided it was newsworthy enough for a noontime story slot. I think we’re going to need a smaller violin, folks.
The creator of that Big Picture blog I mentioned the other day was interviewed over at Waxy.org. Pretty interesting stuff. And, if you’re interested in seeing ground-level shots from the Midwest flooding, the Red Cross started a category on their WordPress blog devoted to galleries from their on-the-scene staff. There are some very cool and moving shots among those posted, so give it a look.

Take a trip down memory lane with the Sun Sentinel’s gallery of old school toys and the corresponding Fark thread with all sorts of childhood goodness.
Kudos to my wife for finding a list of the 26 most disturbing “kids” films. There’s great truth in it, though Willy Wonka should have been ranked much higher.
Fallen Empire Legions: Tribes in a browser plugin. Yes. Oh heavens, yes!
My Life In A Cube: hand-drawn single panel Dilberts, sketched on whatever the lad has to hand when the idea strikes. Very cool.
Hottie Princess-Leia-hairdo-sporting Ukrainian prime minister claims the U.S. “stole” its Constitution from the Ukes, not sure where she read it, but she knows she saw it somewhere. So, who’s writing Snopes about this one?
Are you a Pixar pro? See if you can beat my 12/14.

Blood Bowl tabletop game -> Mutant League Football on the Genesis -> Blood Bowl on the next-gen consoles. Wicked.



2 responses to “…To The Dump, To The Dump, To The Dump Dump DUMP!”

  1. Hi Doug. This is Claire from the American Red Cross. I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the photos on our online newsroom. If you’d like to see all of our photos, check out our flickr by going to this url: http://www.flickr.com/photos/americanredcross/sets/72157605521392530/
    Thanks for the shout-out and keep on bloggin!

  2. When I reminisce about the things that might have screwed me up as a kid, I more often than not can trace things back to an episode of “The Ren and Stimpy Show” or “CatDog”. Shivers.
    I’m glad I found your blog. Gonna go ahead and subscribe.