Category Blogger Import

Best Quote O’ The Day

This is ripped directly from The Corner over at NRO: NOT SHOCK AND AWE-ING, JUST SHELLACKING [Jonah Goldberg] Pentagon says this is merely more opportunistic target-whacking not the full tilt boogie for freedom and justice. Priceless.

Spectacles of Power

Here’s my question: Does Pearle Vision have some sort of discount for tinhorn third world dictators? They must get the same catalog in the mail. Take a look: Maybe they have the same HMO. [UPDATE] Fidel, too? Is there some…

Chirac PS

Best. Fark. Photoshop. Ever. View with caution, as I got some very strange looks from coworkers as I tried to stifle my guffaws. Dig it.

Saddam Heisman(?)

I saw a great bilboard on I95 North tonight. It featured a large picture of Saddam Hussein on the left side, striking an almost Heisman-worthy pose. The text read (and I’m paraphrasing here, as I can’t remember the exact words):…

Shouting At The Radio

I don’t know why I don’t learn my lesson. Tonight, as is commonplace between the months of October and June, 770 WABC out of NYC cut The Buzz short to broadcast Devils hockey. In these circumstances, I’m faced with an…