Category: Reviews

  • Magic, Mystery, Mayhem And Murder: It’s Book Review Time.

    Title: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: A Novel Author: Susanna Clarke Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Genre: Fiction Available From: Amazon, Barnes & Noble Jonathan Strange is an odd book. Its premise is simple: it’s the early 19th century and the Napoleonic wars are raging in Europe. England, once the proud seat of European magic and magicians,…

  • Higher Education

    Game: Professor Fizzwizzle Creators: Grubby Games Genre: Puzzle/Action Platform: Windows, Macintosh, Linux Version Reviewed: Macintosh I was graciously sent a review copy of Professor Fizzwizzle a few months ago, so this review is roughly (a few – 1) months late in its publication. However, I believe that the game is good enough to warrant the…

  • Book Review: Old Man’s War

    Title: Old Man’s War Author: John Scalzi Publisher: Tor Books Genre: Military Science Fiction Available From: Barnes & Noble, Amazon If my blogging has seemed a bit light and/or incoherent this week, it is entirely the fault of John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War. I lay down Monday night with the intention of reading to the…

  • Attack Of The Review Of The Bacon Robots!

    Title: Attack of the Bacon Robots (Penny Arcade, Vol. 1) (henceforth AotBR) Authors: Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik Publisher: Dark Horse Books Genre: Comic strip collection Available From: Thinkgeek, Amazon, Barnes & Noble The Setup I’ve been a fan of the Penny Arcade crew since almost the very beginning of the strip and so I…

  • I’m Not The Only One!

    I’ve been a bit put off by the generally positive reviews of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by other Christian bloggers, thinking that perhaps I was too harsh on the movie. However, having stumbled across Steven Greydanus’ review, I feel vindicated. To quote from Greydanus’ review: Other changes are even more ill-advised, and…

  • Aslan Is On The Move, But, You Know, Who REALLY Cares?

    As I noted yesterday, I went to an advance screening of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe put on by my church last night. In brief, here’s my one sentence review: I don’t know how it’s possible, but I both loved and hated it simultaneously. The Good Let’s start with the good first so…

  • American Edited

    I pretty much knew this was going to happen: Warner Brothers Records has C&D’d the wonderful American Edit mashup I mentioned a couple of days ago. All hope is not lost for those who neglected to grab it while it was online, however. Enterprising fans of mashups/bootlegs have organized Dean Gray Tuesday, a virtual replay…

  • Ong Bak: Thai For “Holy Crap, That HAS To Hurt!”

    Martial arts fans, have you seen Ong Bak? If not, Netflix it, grab it from Blockbuster, do whatever you have to do in order to see this movie. I won’t bore you with the details of the “plot”, such as it is. However, the fight scenes are some of the most vicious I’ve ever seen…

  • High Praise For Serenity From A Sci-Fi Luminary

    SciFi buffs will most likely be familiar with the name “Orson Scott Card” – yes, that Orson Scott Card. He’s written up a very, very positive review of Serenity. Dig it: It’s great. I’m not going to say it’s the best science fiction movie, ever. Oh, wait. Yes I am. Let me put this another…

  • Yet Another Few Serenity Reviews

    I know, I know, but bear with me. It’s opening weekend, after all. Skippy says wow and plans on seeing it again. The Smallest Minority realized that this blogging thing might finally pay off, at least inasmuch as it results in free movie screenings. A Little Reason calls it the sci-fi movie of the year.…